This phase of engagement has ended.
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You Decide East Ren: Neighbourhood Streets logoYou Decide East Ren: Neighbourhood Streets


  • Stage 1 - Suggest

    Spring 2024




    In Progress

    We'll ask about your experiences moving around your neighbourhood and any issues you'd like to see addressed. You can let us know by using this website - or, you can visit any library in East Renfrewshire, where staff have been trained to help you.
  • Stage 2 - Assess

    Summer 2024





    We'll review the problems you've told us about. If your feedback meets key criteria, we'll develop an initial plan and present it on a shortlist at Stage 3.
  • Stage 3 - Decide

    Autumn 2024





    We'll ask you to decide which of the shortlisted plans are the most important.
  • Stage 4 - Construct

    Winter 2024




    Spring 2025

    We'll develop the successful plans in detail, and aim to construct smaller-scale projects by March 2025.
  • Future phases






    We plan to repeat this process in each of the coming five years, until people in every neighbourhood in East Renfrewshire have had the chance to take part.